Zobozdravstvena ordinacija ℓ Mirje 2, 1000 Ljubljana
info@skrbinc.si | 01 200 51 21
Parking provided

Business hours

Monday 7.30 - 14.00
Tuesday 12.30 - 20.00
Wednesday 12.00 - 18.30
Thursday 7.30 - 14.00
Friday 7.30 - 13.00
Additional appointments by agreement

    Book an appointment

    Are you already our patient?


    If you are unable to arrive at the agreed appointment, please let us know as soon as possible.

    By filling in the form, you agree to the Privacy Statement under the new Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
    I agree that you can inform me about the news in your clinic.

    How to find us?

    The nearest LPP bus stops are:
    Mirje – LPP number 9
    Križanke – LPP number 19, 27, 3, 11, 2
    Aškerčeva – LPP number 1, 6


    You can park in the parking lot behind the clinic. A nurse in the clinic can remotely lift the barrier for you.